Saturday, December 29, 2012

This is a piece I developed to use as a twitter profile pic.  It is 
also an experiment with an idea for my next series. 

Artist statement (most recent)

"Quietly Blurring Lines"

I quietly blur lines. Using digital technology, I try to blur and mix together texture, image, and text to create meaning that can be more emotionally specific in one sense but completely vague in another. I am in an ongoing process of exploring this merger of elements and crossing back and forth across the lines of traditional styles and digital manipulation. I am trying to recast traditional Japanese woodblock printing and William Morris textiles in the form of quiet digital landscapes. I am also trying to blur the lines of emotion within a given work by creating lonely but odd images. 

Using an iPhone, iPad, and scanner I collect textures, color palettes, and images of vintage paper which I rework using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. All elements of a work are drawn by me and then manipulated using the collected elements. I am drawn to the work of Japanese Print Artists and the textiles of Williams Morris because they attempted to create work which was meant for the masses but was created with exceptional technique, blurring the line between high and low art. 

Seven House

This is a test

Trying to mix a Japanese woodblock influence 
with some traditional European ornamentation

Odd Neighborhood

One of my first attempts at combining my use of Illustrator and Photoshop