Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Clouds Curled In And Out

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Love is dumb. Dumb to me is not a negative state of being. It is the beginning of a journey. It is the state of not knowing what’s to come. This is how you begin when you fall in love. Your life together will be exciting, hard, fun, beautiful, and stressful. You will have successes and failures. You will learn how to navigate life together. Hopefully, together you will leave beautiful things in your wake.

I am starting a new series. The images in this series explore our interaction with knowledge, what we value, how we acquire it and the role knowledge plays in our society. We know from current research that we all acquire, process, and express knowledge differently. Yet society has placed inaccurate expectations on us. A great deal of tension results for all of us as we compare ourselves to these expectations.This piece, Classic Dummies, represents the traditional way we used to view domains of knowledge. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

This is a screen shot of a work in progress. The series will be called "Beautiful Dummies" The series explores our relationship with knowledge.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Clouds Come In

The Clouds Come In

This is my most recent piece. This may be the last of this series.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I am still trying to develop this series on learning and how we gain and communicate knowledge. Above is me still playing with the ideas....

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life of a dummy

This series is about our distorted relationship with knowledge and learning. Our ideas and expectations surrounding learning have become narrow and rigid. These pictures explore the life of "dummy" as he faces society's expectations of how knowledge should be digested. But, life as well as knowledge can be an adventure. The less we know sometimes, the greater the adventure.